Official Rules of The New Jersey Lottery Rock Paper Scissors Throwdown
The rules of Rock Paper Scissors are straightforward. Players deliver (“throw”) hand signals representing rock, paper, or scissors, with the outcome determined by these three rules:
1. Rock wins against scissors.
2. Scissors win against paper.
3. Paper wins against rock.
The game is initiated by each player saying in unison “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot” while pounding the “throwing” hand into the palm of the “non-throwing” hand. If necessary the referee will help establish the verbal cadence so that both players and the subsequent throws are synchronized. On the word “shoot” each competitor will “throw” rock, paper or scissors.
Whatever is thrown must be easily identified as rock, paper or scissors (see below the graphics depicting each).
Each of the matches of the inaugural New Jersey Lottery Rock Paper Scissors Throwdown will be “best 3 out of 5.” The first competitor to win three (3) throws is the winner. However, the finals will be “best 4 out of 7.”
The tournament referee’s role is to ensure that the competition is held fairly and equitably. The referee may make rulings, including, but not limited to, “redo’s” on throws which in his/her sole discretion afforded an advantage to one of the competitors or a confusing/oddly-shaped rock, paper or scissors. Any rulings made by the referee are not subject to dispute or question.
What are the shapes of Rock Paper Scissors?
The rock is when you place your hand into the form of a simple fist, with thumb overlapping the second (pointer) finger.
The paper is when you place your hand in an outstretched position, flat, with fingers together.
The scissors is when you hold your fist with your index and middle finger pointing outwards in a V shape.